Snow buntings on our back deck overlooking the frozen ocean.

Bud leaving for the airport.

Part of our Coe-ed high school basketball team.

High school basketball team heading for the plane.
We have just had a solid week of windy, windy days- 30-50 mph. I wanted to take pictures of the drifts across the road, but it was too cold to operate the camera. I did get some video from the window. When the basketball left for a game last Friday, they had to get to the plane by sled and snowmobile because the roads weren't plowed. Bud was planning to leave Tuesday for a trip to Palmer, to visit his friend and go to a gun show, but the small planes would not fly due to the wind. He did get out Wednesday on another plane, then caught a larger plane in Unalakleet for the 1.5 hour ride to Anchorage. He is due back Monday. Today is not so windy so hopefully tomorrow will be OK.
We have had a lot of snow buntings visit our back deck this week once we started feeding them. They like wheat germ. I put crackers out today and they don't seem to like them as well. Also it is not so windy today so they may be elsewhere.
Buddy and I took a longer walk today. We have been going out on the sea ice a little ways. Today I did not look carefully where I was walking and stepped into a crevasse. My leg went in up to my thigh. No water though-just open space. I pulled myself out and have a sore knee on the other leg. I think I will stick to the beach for now.
Starting Thursday we are hosting the regional boys's basketball tournament. Eight teams from other villages will be here-staying in the school. Then we will have three days off for spring break.
Next weekend the Iditarod mushers will be coming through town. They left Anchorage area today. Look for those pictures next week.